文学论文代写 Any thought that comes in our mind has a source of origin. Humans are aware of the origin of their most of the thoughts. If a person ··
“We didn’t make ourselves; God made us; so he exists.” (Descartes, n.d, pp. 5)
Any thought that comes in our mind has a source of origin. Humans are aware of the origin of their most of the thoughts. If a person A wants to learn cycling. The thought to learn cycling came in his mind through a source. He might see his friends cycling or got a new bicycle as a gift. The person himself knows the origin of his thought. How he developed the interest in cycling. As, we can only perceive through our five senses and that make up our whole reality .And whatever we may think or create is just the extension of those senses.
Mankind have made many innovations but these are more convenient ways of using our already existing functionalities. For example; bicycle is a convenient way of covering distance, but this could also be done through walking, which makes bicycle not a new creation but just a convenient accessory. This states that we cannot perceive things beyond our senses, so how the idea of a God came in our minds when we do not have the capability to perceive it.
译文:“我们没有自己做; 上帝创造了我们; 所以他存在。” (Descartes,n.d,第5页)信仰essay代写
我们脑海中浮现的任何想法都有渊源。 人类意识到他们大多数思想的起源。 如果一个人A想学习骑自行车。 学习骑自行车的想法源于他的脑海。 他可能会看到他的朋友骑自行车,或者买了一辆新自行车作为礼物。 这个人自己知道他的思想的起源。 他如何发展对自行车运动的兴趣。 如此,我们只能通过五种感觉来感知,它们构成了我们的整个现实。而我们可能想到或创造的仅仅是这些感觉的延伸。
人类已经做出了许多创新,但是这些是使用我们已经存在的功能的更便捷的方法。 例如; 自行车是一种覆盖距离的便捷方法,但是也可以通过步行来完成,这使自行车不是新发明,而只是便捷的附件。 这说明我们无法感知到超出我们感官的事物,因此,当我们没有能力感知上帝的想法时,上帝的想法是如何出现在我们的脑海中的。
Humans never reflected on that from where they developed the idea of God. They believe that God exists but from where did this believe came. They believe God is the most perfect among everything that exists in the universe. Which shows that humans have not created themselves. If they had the power to create themselves, they must have made themselves as the most perfect and ideal thing. They assume that they are not perfect, but God is perfect. They give him the superiority over their own selves. This shows that God is the one who has created humans. As he is the most superior and perfect.
Everything that exists in this universe was created by someone. If we think of trees they are planted by humans, machines are made by human beings, houses are built by builders. Anything that we can see by looking around has been created by someone. Nothing came into being itself. we can answer every question of which thing came from where, but we cannot answer how humans came into being, more specifically the beginning of the creation. We humans have created a lot of things, but we are incapable of producing another human being alone.
译文:然而 信仰essay代写
According to biological perspective
We can say that human beings are brought into the world through sexual reproduction. The question here is from where the first human being came. How was the first human produced. This process of sexual reproduction was started after the creation of first human being. But, what specifically is the beginning of the universe and how everything came in to being as we are able to perceive it at this time? This question can only be answered by believing in the existence of God.
A believe that there is God who is the creator. He has the power of creating human beings. We humans cannot come into being our own self. As everything that exists has a creator. We humans also have a creator who is God. God an unseen being who is more superior and perfect than human beings. Because on earth humans considered themselves as the most superior and they have not seen anyone more perfect than their own selves. Anyone who has the power to create themselves or is the most powerful will create himself as the best version.
And we as humans believe in someone being more perfect then us, even just as thoughts means we lack perfection and creator can never be the one that lacks perfection but the contrary, one that is perfect. There is nothing on the earth that has ever been noticed as more ideal than humans. God is believed to be the perfect which means he is the most powerful.
译文:从生物学角度看 信仰essay代写
We know that our world operates in cycles that are aligned perfectly.
Everyday sun rises and falls. It synchronizes flawlessly with the moon. It has been so many years. We have been seeing days, nights and other seasons of the years coming and going cyclically. My views contradict to those who believe there is no God and everything that exists and happens in the universe is because of natural phenomenon. There are chances of error in these natural phenomenon as well, if they were to randomly come into existence.
How is that possible that it has been millions of years and we never saw this mechanism delaying or getting stuck. There must be someone who is controlling these cycles or made by someone who is an expert. Someone who is most powerful. We humans cannot develop such mechanism that can ideally synchronize together for trillions of times. There must be someone most perfect who created these perfect mechanisms that they have been working accurately for this long.
每天太阳升起和落下。 它与月亮完美同步。 已经有很多年了 我们一直在观察白天和黑夜以及其他年份的周期性变化。 我的观点与那些相信没有上帝并且宇宙中存在和发生的一切都是由于自然现象的人相矛盾。 如果这些自然现象随机出现,也有可能出错。
几百万年以来,这是怎么可能的,我们从未见过这种机制延迟或陷入困境。 必须有人控制这些周期或由专家来完成。 最有力量的人。 我们人类无法开发出可以在万亿次之间实现理想同步的机制。 必须有最完美的人创造了这些完美的机制,并且他们已经长期准确地工作了。

The existences of these mechanism prove the existences of the God.
The orbit of earth around the Sun and orbit of other planets around the Sun. It cannot be a random event that they have been revolving around for so long and never collided with each other or never even entered the pathway of the other planet. How can humans create these events, when we are unaware of existence of many of these events and happenings? It shows how tiny human beings are and how powerful the nature is.
This nature can only be created by someone who is the most powerful among all. Which is God. Thinking about how synchronized these mechanisms are in our daily life. Imagine how perfect will be the one who created these mechanisms. We humans are not perfect, but we know someone who is perfect amongst all. If we think of this world as a perfect happening, there must be a perfect being at the back end of this all, who created all this, whom people refer to as God.
It can be stated that these flawless mechanisms are perfect happening in this given time. These mechanisms are created by someone who is the most ideal and powerful. That’s why we don’t see any flaw in it. However, the world exists from millions of years. What we see or experience is a very small time period. Through a small amount of observation of time we cannot deduct that these mechanisms have been working perfectly throughout the time. Maybe the time period we are observing is when these mechanisms are stable but.
In the past
They have been very unsteady. There could be a probability that in billions of years, there is a small spec of time where everything is working perfectly and we happen to be a part of it. The proof doesn’t exist on which we can say that these mechanisms have been working accurately since forever. We cannot generalize the observation of this small time period to the overall time period of the existence of the world. if there are mistakes and mishaps in the mechanisms it means they are not created by a perfect being.
Incase there are mistakes in the mechanisms that were prominent in the past. It means that God doesn’t exists. These mechanisms are out of human’s control and if there was a God, he would have handled these mechanisms or created these mechanisms in a way that they worked effectively. These mechanisms are the results of probable chance. That’s why we cannot see error in this moment but those may have existed beyond us.
译文:在过去 信仰essay代写
他们一直很不稳定。 可能在数十亿年的时间里,一小段时间里一切都会正常运转,而我们恰好是其中的一部分。 没有证据可以证明这些机制自从一开始就一直在精确地起作用。 我们不能将对这个小时期的观察概括为世界存在的整个时期。 如果机制中有错误和不幸,则意味着它们不是由完美的存在造成的。
万一过去出现的机制中有错误,那就可以了。 这意味着上帝不存在。 这些机制是人类无法控制的,如果有上帝,他会处理这些机制或以有效发挥作用的方式创建这些机制。 这些机制是可能的结果。 这就是为什么我们目前无法看到错误,但是那些错误可能已经存在于我们之外。
Descartes, R. (n.d.), Principles of Philosophy (pp.5)