Research proposal
Research proposal代写 Research Topic and methods (e.g., interviews, survey, case studies, mixed methods, ethnography, etc.)

Please fill in the following form indicating your research topic/focus of your dissertation.
Based your proposed research topic, we will allocate you a supervisor. The deadline to submit this form completed is 13 March (see moodle for further details).
Research Topic and methods (e.g., interviews, survey, case studies, mixed methods, ethnography, etc.) . That you plan to use to collect data (125 words maximum):
The evaluation of the gaming we-media industry in China after 2020
The purpose of my research is to analyse the prospects, opportunities and risks of gaming we-media in the Chinese market after 2020 to make a preliminary assessment of my entrepreneurial plan. From the we-media, new media and social media are now connected with the internet celebrity economy, fan economy, live stream economy and ‘reward’ function, which has huge profit margins.Research proposal代写
Now the self-media industry is arguing with hundreds of domestic players in China, live streaming platforms, video platforms, and Wechat public accounts are emerging endlessly. What I want to do is a comprehensive self-media platform in the game field. The game’s we-media mainly covers 3 points: game strategy, game commentary, and game peripherals. I will do market analysis and then form a management structure.
Then committed to improving product quality and enhancing brand value by offering creative content and marketing. It is still need to be clarified how much funding I request for the first 3 to 5 years.Research proposal代写
