white allyship

政治essay代写 Centuries ago, the concept of race arrived in the Americas along with its English and other European settlers. The settlers labelled…


Introduction (600)

Chapter 1 – The role of Whiteness in white allyship (3000, daixie) 政治essay代写

  1. The construction of race (a historical review from the 17thcentury to 1960s)
  2. Construction of whiteness
  3. White saviourism

Chapter 2 – The framework of white allyship (3000, daixie)

  1. The rhetoric of allyship (power imbalance that ‘allyship’ poses )
  2. The ‘inclusiveness’ approach
  3. Trading privileges

Chapter 3 – what can be done instead (2000)

  1. A historical review of civil rights movement
  2. An analysis of the framework they took
  3. What can be learnt from it

Discussion (1000) 政治essay代写

Conclusion (500)

Referencing style: Harvard; At least 50 references for chapter 1,2

Key words: social construction of race; anti-racism activism; allyship.

Racial formation in the United States: from the 1960s to the 1980s by Omi, Michael; Winant, Howard

W.E.B. Du Bois


Introduction 政治essay代写

Centuries ago, the concept of race arrived in the Americas along with its English and other European settlers. The settlers labelled themselves as the ‘white’ race whereas Africans and African Americans were labelled as ‘black’ people. After the division was made, the capitalist white took it further by stripping freedom away from black people, exploiting them for the profit of European-centric trades and businesses. By farming this black/white binary, a power imbalance was installed and ingrained in American, or the entire Western society. And most social institutions operate in favour of the people of European descent.

To dismantle this unjust social dynamic, generations of African Americans endeavour their lives into social movements, such as the civil rights movements, that has helped pushing the society forward. However, racial prejudice against African Americans is still pervasive today in social institutions such as healthcare sector, education system and labour markets. The world is nowhere near to be post-racial and there is still much work to be done.

Thanks to the legacy of the previous anti-racism movements, there is more awareness of the discriminations that black and other racial minorities suffer from. Hence, more and more people of European descent become firmly involved in anti-racism activisms. Among them, there is a group that call themselves ‘white allies’. Their goal is too to eliminate racial inequality, by methods such as sharing statistics that exposes race-based disadvantages, increasing inclusiveness, supporting black-owned businesses and abandoning privileges that they did not earn.

The ‘white allyship’ approach could be good-intended, however, does it really contribute to a fairer, more united society? Is it really a productive framework for anti-racism activism? 政治essay代写

With systematic literature review as the methodology, the following dissertation project is to conceptualise whiteness in the allyship framework, in the field of anti-racism activism. By drawing upon the work of _____ (insert scholars names), this essay argues that the ‘white allyship’ framework is in fact counterproductive and would only further the racialisation that was the culprit of the inequalities that African Americans are facing.

The literature review will unfold in 3 chapters. The first chapter will focus on the ‘whiteness’ of white allies. Through the work of scholars such as Omi and Winant, the construction of race, what is resulted as whiteness, and its role in white allyship will be discussed. White Saviourism, which is a product of whiteness and is often present in white allyship, will also be reviewed.


The second chapter evolves around subjects related to allyship, including the rhetoric and frameworks around it. There will be discussions on the imbalanced power relation that the word ‘allyship’ poses, how the ‘inclusiveness’ approach would only further politicalise black people and how the ‘giving up privilege’ narrative is to put the focus on white people themselves.

Furthermore, in the third chapter, there will be a brief historical review on modern and contemporary anti-racism movements. From the Civil Rights movement to the recent Black Lives Matter, the defining moments of anti-racism activisms will be viewed upon. This is not only a tribute to the legacy of such events and their contributions, but also an analysis of the frameworks and methods that they employed, what could we learn from it and what could be done instead.

Last but not least, in the discussion chapter, the arguments in previous parts will be threaded together to show that white allies are not effectively contributing to anti-racism movements. With the help of ________ (insert scholars names)’s work, some suggestions of what they could do instead would be made. A summary of this project will be drawn in the end.


Chapter 1 Whiteness 政治essay代写

The Social Construction of Race

Before getting into the discussion of whiteness, it is important to address how the concept of race, and therefore whiteness, was constructed in the first place.