New York as a Sustainable Character

社会学essay代写 New York City is seen to be a symbol of sustainability, primarily because of all the steps that have been taken in order to…


New York City is seen to be a symbol of sustainability, primarily because of all the steps that have been taken in order to make the country sustainable. With the passage of time, everything evolves, for if it doesn’t evolve then the likelihood of it becoming obsolete and disappearing from the world increases. In the same manner, the city of New York has evolved with the passage of time, as a person does when he or she learns something new and is able to grow and become a better version of themselves. Same is the case with New York, the city has evolved with the passage of time into a better, stronger version of itself.

In the decades that have passed, the city of New York passed from one phase to another. 社会学essay代写

First came the clothing phase, in which the city consisted of clothing manufacturers and thrived on their business, which was followed by the post industrial phase, and then came the era of the service oriented city (Cohen, 2018). All of these phases helped the city bear through those time and flourish, while at the same time, it also allowed the citizens to see a glimpse of the different transitions it took to remain sustainable. These days the infrastructure is the key which is being focused on by the many players within the city, who believe that it in only infrastructure that will enable the city to sustain life and thus, they focus all their efforts into making infrastructure that helps support the go green initiative in which the people focus on preserving the beauty of the environment and take steps to sustain it. “Your self…is other people, all the people you’re tied to, and it’s only a thread,” (Tom Wolfe, The Bonfire of Vanities). Just like New York is tied to the past versions of the city, through which, it evolved with the passage of time, similarly, it can be seen as a thread that connects decades of evolution with one another.

I think one of the things which makes the city of New York modern is its infrastructure, with tall glass buildings that offer scenic views and state of the art technology installed in workplaces (Cohen, 2018). This is what makes the city stand out from the rest and makes you realize that steps are being taken in order to make it more sustainable. Even after much evolution, the city has continued to grow and remained true to itself all these past years, which makes it a sustainable character. “He could see the island of Manhattan off to the left. The towers were jammed together so tightly, he could feel the mass and stupendous weight.

Just think of the millions, from all over the globe, who yearned to be on that island, in those towers, in those narrow streets!

There it was, the Rome, the Paris, the London of the twentieth century, the city of ambition, the dense magnetic rock, the irresistible destination of all those who insist on being where things are happening-and he was among the victors!” (Tom Wolfe, The Bonfire of the Vanities). No wonder the city is considered to an epic example of modernity, for its infrastructure lends the power for it be to considered not only modern but also a work of art.


Today most of our time is spent producing and consuming ideas and information and sharing what we learn on social media. We are paying more attention to the quality and health impacts of what we eat, breathe, drink and do. However, with all of this, comes the responsibility of keeping our areas clean, and to help keep the pollution at a minimal level in order to make sure that the air in the area is fit for breathing purposes. In order to make this happen, many initiatives have been taken in which the people of New York have come together in order to make the life in the city better. This is what genuinely make the city of New York a sustainable character, because the people of the city will help in maintaining the standards and improving the quality of life, thus helping the city survive through the ages.

And so, it can be gleaned that nobody in this city can remain apart from one another, and lead their life in solidarity. 社会学essay代写

Many people are unable to comprehend the rate at which the city is progressing, developing and ultimately changing, which makes people feel that they are living in exile or alienation (Schlink, 2010). This is primarily because change is not easily accepted, especially when it is fast paced. When a person’s surroundings change and they are able to see the places that they had a connection with being torn down and developed into new complexes or projects, then they feel that they are living in a foreign land, even though they are living in the same place they always have. This is something that is very true for NYC, because of the fast paced development that is taking place, it is throwing many people out of their comfort zone, and thus, they are unable to determine whether or not this change is a good thing for them and feel like they are in exile. This NYC can be used as a metaphor for exile or alienation.

On the other hand, there are those who welcome change. And are eager to see how the city evolves, and what comes next. As Tom Wolfe says, ““A liberal is a conservative who has been arrested.” And those who enjoy and welcome change can be considered liberals, who are willing to take a chance, and see how the events turn out, and the change helps people evolve for the better. At the same time, there comes the notion that this development is nothing a myth and that it is not being undertaken for the betterment of the people, rather for those who take on these projects. There are a lot of misperceptions where the development of the city is concerned and there are many activist groups that feel that the city is doing harm to the people by undertaking the development projects (Cohen, 2018). However, that is not the case and the only manner in which these misperceptions can be avoided is by educating people. The people who hold these myths to be the truth should be made to understand that these developments will benefit them in multiple ways, which will allow them to prosper as they city develops and grows.

Conclusion 社会学essay代写

To conclude, I would just like to say that NYC is definitely a sustainable character because it has seen turbulent time and affluent times, and yet the city has survived. Not only that, the city has actually prospered and developed into one of the most significant and modern cities of its times. With the passage of time, everything changes, and evolution is a byproduct of that change. Neither can it be avoided, nor should it be delayed for it ensures that through positive change and development, steps are taken that benefit the people of the city. However, at the same time, the people need to be educated regarding how to better care for the environment so that the steps being taken by the government and the mayor, are not wasted, rather the effect multiplies as more and more people care for their surroundings.


Nicole Glass, 2012, New York Projects Aim to Make the City More Sustainable, retrieved 29-10-18 from;

Glenn McAnanama, 2007, PlanNYC 2030: What makes a Community Sustainable?, retrieved 29-10-18 from;

Steve Cohen, 2018, The Transition to the Sustainable City, Here in New York, retrieved 29-10-18 from;

Tom Wolfe, The Bonfire of the Vanities, accessed 23-11-18