BUS365 Assessment
Assessment代写 Case study: Present the Apple tax case, reinterpreate it with various ethical concepts and argue why it an ethical dilemma .
1) Case study: Present the Apple tax case, reinterpreate it with various ethical concepts and argue why it an ethical dilemma . Your answer should be organised, logical, analytical and justified. You should use subheadings. You are expected to determine / choose by yourself the concepts from those seen in class:
Specifically for this question, you are expected to: Assessment代写
have a good intro/ or a first part that explains in a general term what the case is about
The body of your text should mobilised concepts from the class to analysis the case. While marking I am especially interested to see how each of you are able to use those concepts to make sense of the case and therefore to construct a critical and analytical analysis. This is your job to identify what are the relevant concepts, as you have been trained through group work.
In your conclusion you can give a personal opinion, on what you feel about the case – and so on. The conclusion is really a place where you can expressed your view (need to be justify though) – and remember that my job is not to jugde them, just if
Everything has to be justified, so it you add ‘, because + explanation’ .

2) Through an analysis of the literature, critically review the following claim: “accounting and accounting system are effective technologies to organize neoliberal societies”. Your answer should be organised, logical, analytical and justified. You should use subheadings. Your answer could not be a linear presentation of the papers. Instead you should select ideas from the papers to answer the question:
Specifically for this question, you are expected to:
You have a good intro that explain in a general term what your essay is about
The body of your text should mobilise concepts for the class basedon the literature Assessment代写
In your conclusion you can give a personal opinion, or raise more question about should be, whatever the essay made you think, reflect on and so on;
Everything has to be justified, so it you add ‘, because + explanation’