EEE3043: Robotics

Robotics代考 Answer ALL questions  Where appropriate the mark carried by an individual part of a question is indicated in square brackets [ ].

Answer ALL questions

Where appropriate the mark carried by an individual part of a question is indicated in square brackets [ ].

Calculators are permitted providing they are non-programmable and not wireless enabled

Section A Robotics代考


a) What is an occupancy map and what is it typically used to represent in robotics? [10%]

b) What is a common use for occupancy maps? [5%]

c) Explain the purpose of ray casting for map construction and robot localisation, in the context of an occupancy map [20%]


i) What term describes the application of a particle filter to robot localisation and why is useful? [15%] Robotics代考

ii) In the context of particle filters, what is systematic resampling? [10%]

iii) Given a population of 5 particles, where each particle {1,2,3,4,5} has normalised weights {0.05,0.1,0.1,0.25,0.5}. Using systematic resampling, with no offset, what would be the new particle distribution? Show your working. [20%]

iv) What weights would be given to the new particles from question iii)? [10%]

e) What is an octomap and what are its benefits [10%]


A2. Robotics代考

a) What does holonomic vs nonholonomic mean ? [10%]

b) Define the following terms:

i) Resolution completeness. [5%]

ii) Probabilistic completeness [5%]

iii) Asymptotic Optimality [5%]

c) Name 4 planning algorithms commonly used in robotics and state if they are resolution/probabilistic complete and/or asymptotically optimal. [20%]

d) With the aid of figures, describe the RRT algorithm and how it differs from RRT* [45%] Robotics代考

e) What is Dubins Path and how does it differ from Reeds Shepp curves? [10%]


NB the actual exam will have 3 questions and you will be expected to attempt all three