Human Resource Management
Human Resource Management
Recruitment and Selection
HRM代写 Recruitment and Selection:There are multiples ways which effective recruitment and selection process benefit an organization.
There are multiples ways which effective recruitment and selection process benefit an organization. The balance between employee commitment and organization control are one of the critical roles of the recruitment and selection process. The two have beneficial to the organization’s bottom-line performance, which illustrates how essential human resource practice is to an organization’s workforce and overall business success. As a human resource function, recruitment and selection can influence organizational behavior of employees and through that enhance the achievement of organizational goals.
When practiced in line with the organization’s objectives, the function strives to strike a balance while optimizing the control of strategic units and overall organizational commitment. Essentially, recruitment and selection more than just mentoring employees it also involves determining the skill requirements and acquisition and hence create an empowered workforce for long-term organizational commitment.
Organizational Control and Employee Commitment HRM代写
Organizational control is how the organization controls its various units and subunits and employees so that they are all in line with the organizational goals for improved performance. Employee commitment, on the other hand, is the bond employees create and experience with the organization. Necessarily, a committed employee feel connected with organizational, fit in decision making, and think that he/she appreciates the organizational goals and objectives.
In light of the recruitment and selection, control takes the shape of establishing the standards of the workforce needed, metrics employee performance, compare the workforce performance with rules, and corrective actions when required. An adequately designed organizational control is critical for better strategy orientation and increased performance.
Effective recruitment and selection lay the foundation of better organizational control in that the organization can select the most suitable candidate for various positions and hence have the power of the performance of the employee. Employee commitment is one of the critical performance measures that affirm whether the recruitment and selection process creates a balance between the organization and employee objectives. The organizational strategies should be well aligned with recruitment and selection function (Tang, Wei, Snape, & Ng, 2015). Fundamentally, the balance between organization control and employee commitment is created by controlling the recruitment and selection process to establish the most suitable workforce that aligns with organizational goals.
Therefore, employee commitment is viewed in terms of increasing engagement, on-the-job performance, employee retention, and reduced turnover.

Engagement is how employees are motivated, enthusiastic, and determination when doing their job. When organizations are recruiting and selecting, they have direct control of employee commitment. In the process of recruitment and selection, organizations are required to establish a work history of commitment that reflects the level of commitment that fit the organization. Thorough interviews are essential to identify enthusiastic candidates about the skills and competencies they can offer to the organization. Also, when doing interviews, extensive and in-depth questions are necessary to establish and job performance, skills, and competencies of a candidate.
Additionally, the work of recruiters is to get employees who exhibit a desire for organizational commitment. Baby Boomers are more likely to trot from one job to another and on average, has more than ten posts by the age of 26 years. The report informs recruiters to have strategies for retaining the best talents in the organization. The organizations have control of establishing standards and metric to eliminate candidates with a bad history of lacking a commitment to their job.
Furthermore, the organization has a role in lowering labor turnover.
In so doing, active recruitment and selection process is essential. Recruiters can point out the signs that a potential candidate is likely to hop from one company to the other. They can also tell those candidates with a history of involuntary termination. As such, the organization uses specialized recruiters and selection to control the level of worker turnover.
Balance Between Organizational Control and Employee Commitment HRM代写
Employee commitment is part of organizational behavior since it affects the firm’s work environment and employee performance (Yahaya & Ebrahim, 2016). According to Yahaya and Ebrahim, employee commitment is related to the factors that create an association between employee and organization and hence enhance the success of the organizational control. Organizational commitment is a combination of variables including acceptance of the firm’s objectives, readiness for the achievement of the organizational goals, and dependability and willingness to stay in the organization. Mackay (2018) established that a correlation exists between effective recruitment and selection with increased organizational control and employee commitment.
Effective Recruitment and Selection HRM代写
The fundamental objective of recruitment and selection is source experienced and skilled employees at the lowest cost possible to achieve the organizational goals (Ryan and Ployhart, 2014). It is the function of human resource management to establish the required team to achieve organizational goals. Effective recruitment and selection create to ensure that the management gains control over the organization’s strategy. Notably, the organization’s strategy can only be achieved through a team of employees dedicated to the objectives.
Essentially. Organization strategy is carried and made alive by a committed group of workers. Therefore, the organization should maintain a balance between control and employee commitment through effective recruitment and selection. To establish a balance in the organizational control and employee commitment, recruiting team need to carry out candidate training, recognition, performance appraisal, work environment, reward, and create job satisfaction. Each of these and their contribution is discussed below.
i. Training HRM代写
Employee training aims at escalating their ability and proficiency at work. Organizations view workers are critical resources, and hence, they invest programs that promote their expertise. The reason being, training enhances employee’s understanding and expertise, particularly in organizational culture. According to Lamba and Choudhary (2013), training employees impart job orientation, safety, and promote knowledge and proficiency at work. Guest (2017) established that training strengthens capabilities of employees who in return, have a sense of good career and job safety as well as personal development.
The organization controls what employees are taught through recruiters to preserve the traditions of the organizations for better management control. In essence, all workers need training on the company policies and culture besides acquainting them with work related to pieces of training. Most importantly, training is one way of creating employee confidence at work and hence enhances their commitment to work. Pasaoglu (2015) noted that training of employees increases their organizational commitment. Thus, training of employees is one way of having control of their commitment to corporate objectives.
ii. Reward and Recognition HRM代写
Managers strive to have a standard way of recognizing employee’s efforts appropriately. Employees are rewarded in terms of pay, leaves, allowances, commissions, and other benefits. Employees are willing to apply or commit to a job if they are sure of the rewards and recognition offers. An organization can offer a better reward to attract employees, motivate them to work, and hence increase performance and efficiency.
When attractive compensation is used, the organization taps top talents, skills, and experiences to the workforce. The reward system used an organization to contribute significantly to developing and sustaining employee commitment. Therefore, effective recruitment and selection ensure that the management control rewards and recognition in a way that elicit employee commitment to the organizational goals.
iii. Performance appraisal satisfaction HRM代写
The framework that an organization uses in performance management determines the type of workforce. Performance appraisal measures an employee’s strengths and weaknesses. Employee commitment is affected by the performance appraisal system used and hence, worker performance. A good performance appraisal has direct impact on workers satisfaction (Kampkotter, 2017). Therefore, the management has control over the type of performance appraisal that is satisfactory fair to the employees. Employees’ satisfaction with the appraisal system used helps to create commitment.
iv. Good work environment HRM代写
The work environment is where employees do their work (Danish, Ramazan, and 2013). It is the role of management to plan the workplace to have an employee dedicated and motivated. According to Khuong and Vu (2014), when an employee feels good about the workplace, they become more appreciative of the environment and passionate to want to always be there compared to those who hate their workplace. Therefore, when a worker loves the working environment, he/she feels assured of his/her welfare and comfort. There is a relationship between proper working condition and employee commitment. According to Hanaysha and Tahir (2016), favorable workplace builds job satisfaction and hence worker commitment.
Overall, recruitment and selection is a critical function in human resource development. Organizations use recruitment to gain control over the workforce. In so doing, an organization creates a recruitment and selection process that targets to achieve a committed team of employees. Therefore, through it, the management can control the level of competence, expertise, experience, and skills needed. The control is done using training, rewards, performance appraisal, job satisfaction, and working environment.
References HRM代写
Danish, R. Q., Ramazan, S., & Ahmad, F. (2013). Effect of perceived organizational support and work environment on organizational commitment; mediating role of self-monitoring. Advances in Economics and Business, 1(4), 312–317.
Guest, D. E. (2017). Human resource management and employee well‐being: Towards a new analytic framework. Human Resource Management Journal, 27(1), 22–38. doi:10.1111/hrmj.v27.1
Kampkötter, P. (2017). Performance appraisals and job satisfaction. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 28(5), 750–774. doi:10.1080/09585192.2015.1109538
Lamba, S., & Choudhary, N. (2013). Impact of organizational commitment on employees. International Journal of Advancements in Research & Technology, 2(4), 407–423.
Mackay, M. M. (2018). Does employee age moderate the association between HR practices and organizational commitment? An application of SOC theory to organizational behavior. Organizational Management Journal, 15(4), 186–200. doi:10.1080/15416518.2018.1528856
Paşaoğlu, D. (2015). Analysis of the relationship between human resources management practices and organizational commitment from a strategic perspective: Findings from the banking industry. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, 207, 315–324. doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2015.10.101
Tang, G., Wei, L.-Q., Snape, E., & Ng, Y. C. (2015). How effective human resource management promotes corporate entrepreneurship: Evidence from China. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 26(12), 1586–1601. doi:10.1080/09585192.2014.953973
Yahaya, R., & Ebrahim, F. (2016). Leadership styles and organizational commitment: a Literature review. Journal of Management Development, 35(2), 190–216. doi:10.1108/JMD-01-2015-0004
Paying Attention to Diversity Issues for Effective Human Resource Management HRM代写
Workforce diversity is one of the priorities in big and progressive organizations. The traditional notion that works diversity is the representation of various races, genders, and religion does not longer hold because, today the concept of diversity is broader to mean a workplace that is all-encompassing (Guillaume, Dawson, Otaye‐Ebede, Woods, and West, 2017). As such, workplace diversity has been redefined to include such variable as personality, age, cognitive styles, skillset, education, and more. Reason for these changes is because of recent demographic and structural changes in the market which have necessitated the more inclusive perspective of workplace diversity for effective human resource management.
Therefore, today, diversity focuses on promoting individuality in the organization and acknowledging that every person has an offer in a different way to the organization. In this regard, an organization that is committed to working diversity, target to have a pool of individuals with unique qualities, and hence view individual differences as a mix that is needed for growth. A progressive organization does not see differences in the workplace as a source of conflict but work to harness these differences for ideas and solutions that of value to the market. Besides attracting a pool of diverse people, a forward-looking organization is committed to nurture and develop the potential in each employee.
So why is it more important than ever to pay attention to diversity issues in contemporary society and human resource management?

Studies have shown that diversity leads to more creative teams. According to McKinsey, those companies with high work diversity have more than 35 percent possibility of outperforming those that do not embrace workplace diversity (Hunt, Layton, and Prince, 2015). Diverse and inclusive teams make decisions that are more than 80 percent better most of the time.
Essentially, diversity is an action of management to build a workforce; inclusivity is a culture that management instills to make the organization diverse without discrimination and belonging is a feeling that teams get in a diverse workplace. As such, for diversity to be valued and embraced by an organization, it should be incorporated into the organization’s culture and strategies. In such cases, employees feel equally appreciated and accepted and hence contribute their skills, talents, and experiences for the achievement of the organizational goals.
Employees do not feel identified to their race, ethnic group, gender, or religion but instead are viewed as professionals who are equally competent and skilled like any other in the organization. However, the top management needs to be committed to workforce diversity by removing any hurdles to achieve it.
Importance of Diversity in the Workforce HRM代写
i. Talent, skills, and experiences
People from different backgrounds have a varied selection of talents, skills, and experiences that might be essential to the organization (Guillaume, Dawson, Otaye‐Ebede, Woods, and West, 2017). When hiring, management should not only look to get appropriate skills for particular roles, but also seek to have a mix of talents, skills, and experiences. Therefore, employees will learn from each other when working in teams.
ii. Create innovation
When an employee works with people from different backgrounds, skills, and experiences, they tend to be creative as ideas bounce off each other while giving suggestions and feedback. A group of employees sees people with various strengths. For instance, one worker may be reliable in generating creative ideas but not able to do execution, which can be taken over by another employee good at it. The scenario of teamwork creates a situation where strengths and collaborations are optimized.
iii. A different language is an open door for opportunities
Aspiration for the diversified workforce can be hampered by the language barrier and cultural differences, especially when the company is going international. The problem solved by hiring employees from different language backgrounds and culture so that it will not be a challenge for the company to operate at a global level. The company will also be able to create a broader customer base in the international market. Therefore, employing different nationalities in the company help in making it relatable.
iv. Talent pool HRM代写
A company open to diversity does not limit itself from tapping a more extensive range of candidates. In so doing, progressive organizations attract individuals from all walks of life. As the number of applicants increases, the possibility of getting the right talents increases. The same case happens when the company is open to people from all walks of life because they come with their uniqueness and capabilities that are exceptional and that another company that is limited to the scope of employment would lack. Pooling talents reduce worker turnover and increase talent retention.
v. Improved performance
Employees feel comfortable in a workplace where they experience appreciation and acceptance. A work environment that encourages equality and foster unity encourage workers from all backgrounds to feel confident in their talents, skills, and experiences. A team that is diverse and motivated is highly likely to be satisfied and hence productive.
vi. Various opinions and perspectives
Most importantly, employees from background and experiences are the source of multiple perspectives. Different ideas invoke better solutions and approaches on organizational issues.
Diversity Issues HRM代写
However, issues arise as the workplace become more diverse. Human resource managers need to be aware of diversity issues which arise due to demographic and structural changes in the labor market and learn how they can be addressed and prevented. Below is the discussion of the diversity issues that may hamper the achievement of effective human resource development.
i. Acceptance and respect
Acceptance and respect are fundamental values critical in achieving successful workplace diversity. When workers cannot accept and respect each other’s culture and beliefs may result in conflicts. If the disputes are not resolved or prevented, they may lead to hatred with the eventual cause of violent scenes.
On the other hand, when workers are taught to be receptive and respect each other’s differences, they share their similarities and build on their differences. In so doing, they share ideas and collaborate for collective effort and achievement. Thus, they accept each other and forge respect among themselves.
ii. Accommodation of beliefs
A diverse workforce constitutes cultural, spiritual, and political belief differences, which might be a challenge to the achievement of a diverse workplace. As such, conflict may arise when one employee tries to impose their beliefs on others. Therefore, it is critical to keep workers informed on creating boundaries and extent to which they practice their beliefs as in as far they are not imposing on others.
iii. Ethnic and cultural differences HRM代写
Research on Fortune 500 companies found that there were only 3 African-American CEOs (McGirt, 2018). Arguably, an African-American sounding name reduces the chances of getting a job by 14 percent. The cases show that ethnic and cultural differences increase discrimination in the workplace. When an organization has a prejudice against certain ethnic, cultural, or religious groups, diversity is discouraged. As such, non-tolerance approaches should be used to end prejudice and discrimination in the workplace. Companies should have clear regulations and policies that deter prejudice.
iv. Gender equality
A survey found that there is a 40 percent likelihood an employer will hire a man over women (Press Association, 2014). Men are 30 percent more likely to have promotion in top-level positions than women. It is the same case with the base pay, where men are 24.1 percent higher than that of women. It is the role of management to prevent discrimination based on gender and inculcate a culture of equality in recruitment, remuneration, and promotions.
v. Physical and mental disabilities HRM代写
It is difficult for disabled people to get employment, and in case they secure one, navigating in the workplace is difficult because it was not build to accommodate disabled people which is discriminatory and challenge to diversity. Such needs as wheelchairs and services dogs used by people with disability have no or limited access to the company. Companies need to have facilities to support disabilities of various types so that they are not left out. Also, these people need support from the management by discouraging discriminatory or derogative comments.
vi. Generation gaps
By 2025, the millennial generation will have dominated the workforce by 75 percent. It means that work culture will change (Deloitte, 2014). Therefore, other generations will have challenges fitting in changed workplaces cultures of the young generation. In this regard, in large companies where there are diverse age groups, may have cliques and social circles which cause isolation. Teamwork and collaborations, as well as open communication culture, is created to discourage the effect of the generation gap.
vii. Language and communication HRM代写
Diverse workforce creates a pool of people from different language background. At such instance, language barrier and communication become evident. It becomes difficult to pass messages across if a manager does not know the language used by the majority in the organization. As a result, they may be faced with miscommunications and low productivity. Training non-native speakers or hiring multilingual workers can solve the language barrier.
Workplace diversity has long-term benefits for the company. Companies with a diverse workforce have higher chances of performing better than those which do not. Therefore, management should work to ensure an increase in diversity in recruitment and selection. Technologies like AI can be used to reduce discrimination during the recruitment process for a more diverse workforce.
References HRM代写
Deloitte. (2014). Big demands and high expectations: The Deloitte Millennial Survey. Executive Summary.
Guillaume, Y. R., Dawson, J. F., Otaye‐Ebede, L., Woods, S. A., & West, M. A. (2017). Harnessing demographic differences in organizations: What moderates the effects of workplace diversity?. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 38(2), 276-303.
Hunt, V., Layton, D., and Prince, S. (2015). Why diversity matters. Retrieved from
McGirt, E. (2018). raceAhead: Only Three Black CEOs in the Fortune 500. Retrieved from
Press Association. (2014). 40% of managers avoid hiring younger women to get around maternity leave. Retrieved from
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