Media Convergence and Future of Television
Media convergence is not a new phenomenon since the media has been evolving with changes in technologies, users and content. The old convergent was mainly for the synergy and market competition, but the modern convergence has taken a paradigm shift to merge for value and keeping abreast with changes in technologies, content needs, and user preferences. The users of the media determine the content in the media and the technology determines how the content is disseminated to the users and the type of content.Media Convergence代写,
Technology is medium through which content and user are connected. Media convergence continues in the media industry which brings the question about the future of television owing to the various emerging technologies competing for the same content. Therefore, this paper will critically review various literatures that informs the media convergence and the future of television to identify the gaps in the research.
Literature Review
Convergence Trends Media Convergence代写
A study by Suwandi and Hafizni explored on the broad topic of the media convergence trends, particularly in the television media. The research aimed to understand the implementation of the new trend in convergence on Metro TV in Jakarta (p. 83). The research was critical in establishing how televisions have responded to various changes in content consumptions and users’ needs. Reason being, unlike the print media, television is developing at a very higher rate.
As the television media grows, the print media remain stagnant or bankrupt and consequently closes operations. One of the reasons why some print media are running out of operations is changes in consumer behaviors and preferences. Suwandi and Hafizni noted that most young people instead of buying newspapers are accessing information online. In essence, television has proved to be the most consumed media by the Indonesian people. In the city of Java television represented 95 percent. Internet followed with 33 percent and then radio with 20 percent. The rest were the newspaper, tabloids, and magazines being consumed at 12 percent, 6 percent, and 5 percent respectively (p. 83). The statistics show television may remain the most dominant media.
However Media Convergence代写
according to Suwandi and Hafizni, although television has remained the most dominant in Indonesian people, internet use has exponentially grown for the last for years. The growth is at the detriment of television as the internet becomes another avenue for advertising. Therefore, this development of internet advertising has made television growth to stagnate in Jakarta. One of the most dominant internet advertising which has affected television business is social media advertising. Social media has grown owing to the increasing number of users in the platforms. The business in television advertising has continued to decline which might spell doom to the industry.
Therefore, competition in the television industry remains promising. As the number of competitors in the industry increases the higher the rate at which they compete for advertisements. Televisions have to create quality contents and programs that ate attractive to the users to keep relevant in the market. Besides, creating quality programs for viewership, televisions have harnessed the benefits of implementing media convergence as a way of staying ahead of the competition in the industry.

As such Media Convergence代写
various television companies are using traditional communication technologies and incorporate them into new communication technologies. In which case, television programs are now available online through the media house website or other streaming sites like YouTube and Vimeo whereas other media houses are using social media to stream their programs. The move to converge to other technologies to keep in touch with the users while creating appropriate content suited for a particular platform and most importantly creating business through advertisements.
Moreover, Suwandi and Hafizni observed some unique trends in convergence. They found that the newsrooms are no longer separated like before. TV, radio, newspapers, and online media are the same use workplace (p. 85). Besides, collaboration in the news creating and editing has increased as reporters, editors and photographers work together. The format used in the modern newsroom is likely to give quality and more diverse programs than before. These trends in news collection are culminated by convergence in content where it is presented in multimedia (p. 86). The news is now available in texts online, blog post.Audio, images and videos, and more options as the media house intend to use.
Impact of Mobile Media Media Convergence代写
Content consumption has changed with technology evolution. Growth in mobile technologies has diversified avenues through which information can be accessed. Therefore, research by Sorensen of the University of Glasgow reveals the extent to which mobile technologies have affected the British TV industry. According to Sorensen the major shift in consumption is because of the capability of multiple screens in mobile media (p. 508).
There are two factors which have contributed to the phenomenon including the emergence of 4G internet speed and high rate of production and consumption of smartphones and tablets which allow these capabilities. The development of these mobile and internet technologies have changed how television contents are produced, financed, and distributed. In the United Kingdom, there are more than 20 million 4G subscribers, and more than 80 percent of the population have smartphones (p. 508). The impact of the mobile is felt because more than 70 percent of Brits watch by use of smartphones. Majority of these viewers are the youths and hence the largest group that uses the internet to source content.
In this context Media Convergence代写
the shift to mobile content consumption is made possible by the affordability of these devices and internet connections that is portable. The technologies accessibility has change consumer behavior and influenced changes like forms, platforms, and notions of content quality. The changes have impacted on the television contents market and that of the whole industry. That notwithstanding, the accessibility of information has reduced the differences that used to exist in the services providers. The research demonstrates that the entry of mobile media has impacted on the television industry in Britain.
The penetration of mobile technologies, internet speed.And habit of streaming audiovisual contents on multiple screens have also become a major concern in the television industry. Sorensen reported that the issue of emergence of mobile content consumption was widely discussed that year by International Edinburgh TV Festival Edinburgh International Television Festival (EITF) (p. 509). The author reveals that content took a focal point in the discussion of the future of television.
Most of the speakers noted that there is a shift in the short-forms and long-forms of prime contents Media Convergence代写
In this context, it was observed that broadcasters are gravitating towards high-quality contents that are of short-forms. Hence, short-form contents are gaining momentum in the digital era. The short-form multimedia has enabled sharing through the social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube channels which has increased the consumption of television contents and as well create an online platform for advertising.
Not only has the mobile media changed the consumption behavior, but it has also changed the production behaviors. Today through such capabilities as device access and internet connections has enabled people to create their fan base and hence encouraged the growth of individual producers whose does not aim to get high profits margins or maybe doing it for fun during free hours. They have shifted content consumption, and the distinction between a professional producer with an amateur is blurred. The growth in this sector of vlogger has impacted on well-established television companies. Therefore, the business model for short-form content for the large companies and professional has failed to work as the proliferation of amateur contents shape consumption.
Sorensen concluded that television is no longer a singular platform as it was traditionally used to be (p. 516). The growth in mobile devices, independent producers, and social media has made broadcaster to rethink of their content distribution .And package through multimedia channels particularly to create accessibility through smartphones, social media and in multiscreen. Therefore, most TV broadcasters is a challenge to change from cable TV to internet TV which has become the new norm in the media industry. Not only that, the content has become multifaceted to fit in the various media platforms that the user decides to use. However, the future of television is blurred in this context.
The Future of Television Media Convergence代写
Television content and consumption have gone beyond the form of content to the ecosystem that is created when delivering the content. The modern research is focusing on user interaction with the television. Silva et al. conducted a review of how the interaction paradigm on iTV has influenced the consumption of television and the likelihood of alterations which could lead to further convergence in the industry. They identified the emergence of media centers like Apple TVs .Which are operating like set-top boxes while offering online contents through applications (Silva et al. p.19).
They also provide smart TVs and other nonlinear contents on their websites. Also, the emergence of digital platforms necessitated the development of user interactivity with the content. Technologies have evolved oriented to developing user interaction with the TV contents like the touch surfaces and remote controls. Other technologies like voice controller and haptic recognition have added more usability and intractability of the modern TV content. Therefore, innovations in content delivery that has created engagement users are as a result of the emergence of social media. Sharing and emotion attachments needs.
Media Convergence代写

Silva et al Media Convergence代写
in their systematic review identified some interaction trends on the iTV. One of this trend was multimodal interaction which allows interaction through various models like gestures and movements recognition. Other interactions included eye gaze recognition, smell, and voice controls (p. 19). Most interactions use natural means of access to increase human connection. With the device and control over the content and usage. Also, natural interaction enables touch sensing, radiofrequency sensors.Smartphone acting like a mouse, sensing cameras, touch pens, and other natural gesture controls. The trends in interactivity have enabled the user interaction with television programs which were not possible before media convergence and influenced by the mobile media.
According to Silva et al., other trends in interactivity services are like human monitoring systems and multi-screening. Some devices were identified to have human gesture interpretations capabilities, for instance, facial expressions. The devices could read the human face and therefore predict the mood .And recommend the TV program to watch to shift the mood from the current state to a new state. Another trend is the use of personalized account for tracking online activities that will is then used to predict user preferences in programs. Thus, users are can access contents that are most suited to their character, behaviors, and values.
Silva et al. concluded that the numerous innovations in content delivery and user engagements are as a result of television suffering many changes (p. 22). The changes have resulted in innovation in the television industry to keep it competitive. Therefore, the future of television holds even more changes with sophistication media technologies. As more disruptive actors come into play in the television industry, so it tries to be adaptive through convergence and innovation.
Work Cited Media Convergence代写
Sumartias, Suwandi, and Moh Hafizni. “Convergence Trends in the Television Media Industry-A Case Study on the Implementation of Media Convergence in Metro TV Jakarta.” KnE Social Sciences 2.4 (2017): 83-89.
Sørensen, Inge Ejbye. “Content in context: The impact of mobile media on the British TV industry.” Convergence 24.6 (2018): 507-522.
Silva, Telmo, et al. “Interaction paradigms on iTV: a survey towards the future of television.” The 9th International Multi-conference on Complexity, Informatics, and Cybernetics. IMCIC, Orlando. 2018.
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