Marketing Discussion Questions
Marketing Discussion Questions
Marketing Discussion代写 Food packaging and labeling regulation are necessary to protect the safety and health of Canadian citizens.
Activity 3.4 Marketing Discussion代写
1.Food packaging and labeling regulation are necessary to protect the safety and health of Canadian citizens. The manufacturers through the regulation have to comply and ensure the information provided about the foods is accurate, truthful, and not misleading. At the same time, the ingredient list and net quantity must be correct and reflect the nutritional values and volume of the packaged food. However, some manufacturers might be concerned that the enactment is an additional cost on manufacturing owing to the fact of required technologies that will ensure accuracy as per the requirement of the Act.
2.Some packaging like those of fast-moving foods such as bread have misleading information about the net quantity. For instance, the label indicates 500g, but if the bread is weighed, it can be less with more than 10g. This is a misrepresentation of the net quantity which is unethical and inappropriate. Therefore, the responsible government agencyshould come up with such strategies like product. And manufacturing audits to ensure packaging and labelling are accurate and represent the actual product.
Activity 3.9 Marketing Discussion代写
1.The key aim of dynamic pricing is to keep up with the market while optimizing on the sales and revenues. Dynamic pricing is characterized by the markets that have fast-moving products, high competition, and diversified customers like the e-commerce and service industry such as Uber taxi. Both internal and external factors determine dynamic pricing. Internal factors being internal inventory management where the retailer increase prices when a product is fast-moving to avoid stock out. And that some products cannot sell at high prices like they usually are, hence shifting prices up and down attract customers. External factors like competition can cause repricing considering competitor pricing. In essence, dynamic pricing is a competitive strategy and at the same time a way of managing inventories and sales target.

2.Dynamic pricing is a new trend especially due to the emergence of e-commerce. In this regard, it’s not only good must also necessary in the context of the market forces like competition and demand and supply.
3.A retailer adopting dynamic pricing can regulate sales, inventory, competition, and revenues. Considering the type of product, the retailer can create the demand in the target customers through a reduction in prices in the name of promotion and then increase it when the demand is optimum. It is a way of creating brand loyalty where it never existed. Overall, the retailer can control sales and profits.
Activity 5.4 Marketing Discussion代写, Inc is a multinational retail company that focuses on e-commerce and cloud computing. It is a global retail market leader in offering consumer products and services. Amazon is at the maturity cycle of its growth, and since its inception, it has been growing tremendously since 1994. Reason being, the company has grown to an unprecedented level to becoming a retail market leader a level that it can only diversify to other market and industries. Initially, the company started as an online books store then it was converted to an online sales hub. Two of its recent moves to invest in cloud computing and artificial intelligence was a way of diversification.
2.Being an online retail market, Amazon can easily adjust to market changes and customers’ needs a relation to the current competition. The retailer can effectively use dynamics pricing relative to the market forces and to control sales revenues. It also can invest in various industries, therefore, providing a variety of services to its customers.
3.Sustaining maturity level in the life cycle of a business can be challenging. Nevertheless, for Amazon to remain an online market leader, it has to keep on innovating new products. And services as well as diversifying to other markets to keep its customers served and satisfied.

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