Vireak Eung (V)

Pia Brancaccio


Oct 9th, 2019

History of Cham Royal Worship

History代写 Article: Swart, Paula. “A Legacy of Cham Royal Worship: The DaNang Museum of Cham Sculpture.” Arts of Asia, 2018, pp. 128-143.


Article: Swart, Paula. “A Legacy of Cham Royal Worship: The DaNang Museum of Cham Sculpture.” Arts of Asia, 2018, pp. 128-143.

Swart address the issue of Cham culture and religion exploration and preservation.  History代写

Tracing their roots to as far as 192 AD, Chams were the indigenous people in Vietnam but lived the Indian way of life. According to Swart (p. 128), The Cham Museum at Da Nang was built to preserve the cultural and religious heritage of Cham people. The museum is the largest exhibition in the world that house Cham sculptures and displays about 300 terracotta and stones of art that existed between the 7th and 15th century (p. 131). In this context, the preservation of indigenous cultures of Cham people for generations and information was the motive for the establishment of the Cham Museum in Da Nang.


Swart intended to give an exposition on the Cham culture and essential role of the Cham Museum. The article displays the exhibits that are masterpieces of the region they were collected, their cultural and religious representation as well as their symbolism in the context of modern China and Vietnam. The article displays these pieces in icons, pedestal, pediment, or fragment, with descriptions of their origin and symbolism. The authors have created a document that documents and summarise the excavated Cham culture.

Moreover, Swart mainly focused on the archaeological discoveries exhibiting in the Cham museum. History代写

The author uses pictures of monuments, arts and sculptures to discuss the culture, religion and deities of Cham people. The images of these arts are distributed across the article and coincide with the prose of the text.

The article offers unique insight into the history of Cham that dates back from 192 AD to 1697. It is a rear text that is rich in its findings and discussion. Most importantly, it adds the meaning to the various exhibits in Cham museum. Undeniably, there are similarities between modern Chinese and Indian cultures. It is therefore not surprising to find out that Cham was influenced by Indian culture. Overall, the text has successfully proved the essence of the establishment of Cham cultural centre in form of a museum.

Work Cited  History代写

Swart, Paula. “A Legacy of Cham Royal Worship: The DaNang Museum of Cham Sculpture.” Arts of Asia, 2018, pp. 128-143.


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