Assessment Task 2

Assessment Task代写 Student DeclarationI: have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment tasks.

Student Declaration

To be filled out and submitted with assessment responses

□ I declare that this task is all my own work and I have not cheated or plagiarized the work or colluded with any other student(s).

□ I understand that if I If I am found to have plagiarized, cheated or colluded, action will be taken against me according to the process explained to me.

□ I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment tasks.

Student name
Student ID number
Student signature







Assessment Task代写
Assessment Task代写

Assessor declaration 

□ I hereby certify that this student has been assessed by me and that the assessment has been carried out according to the required assessment procedures.

Assessor name
Assessor signature
Assessment outcome S NS DNS Resubmission    Y     N







Feedback  Assessment Task代写


Student result response  

□ My performance in this assessment task has been discussed and explained to me.

□ I would like to appeal this assessment decision.

Student signature




Assessment Task代写
Assessment Task代写

Develop Standardized Documentation

Template Tests 

(Please note that the text for testing templates was not provided and hence construed to be not part of the paid work)

Macros for Justified Paragraphs

Sub JustifyText()

    Dim para As Paragraph

    Dim rng1 As Range

    Dim rng2 As Range


    Set rng2 = ActiveDocument.Range


    Set rng1 = ActiveDocument.Range

    With rng1.Find

        .Text = "PROJECT PROPOSAL^p"

        If .Execute Then

            rng2.Start = rng1.End

        End If

    End With


    Set rng1 = ActiveDocument.Range

    With rng1.Find

        .Text = "END OF SECTION^p"

        If .Execute Then

            rng2.End = rng1.Start

        End If

    End With

    rng2.Paragraphs.Alignment = wdAlignParagraphJustify

End Sub

Macros for Adding Text Box  Assessment Task代写

Sub textBox()

    Dim myTextBox As Shape

    With ActivePresentation.Slides(1)

        Set myTextBox = .Shapes.AddTextbox _

            (Orientation:=msoTextOrientationHorizontal, Left:=100, Top:=50, _

            Width:=400, Height:=100)

        myTextBox.TextFrame.TextRange.Text = "Text Box"

    End With

End Sub

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