

  • 4-5 pages
  • Reference to at least three ideas from the readings
  • Works Cited page required
  • Paper should be typed and follow MLA format – use 12pt font, Times New Roman.





It’s now time to develop a formal response to the readings by Malcolm X, Freire, Harris, Anyon, and Dweck readings and the various videos we watched about education, motivation, and success.


Tell me the story of your educational history – the journey you’ve been on, the good, the bad, how you have felt about yourself as a learner in your past schooling, whether you felt much “intrinsic motivation”…paint me a picture. Make it detailed, so that I can start to get to know you and learn about your experiences.


Some things I’d like you to include:

  • Describe one particularly good experience you had in your past education and tell me about what it was good.


  • Describe one particularly bad experience you had in your previous education and tell me about why it was bad.


  • Talk about how the ideas from the readings (Ch. 2 Pedagogy of the Oppressed; “What True Education Should Do”; “Social Class and the Hidden Curriculum of Work”; and, “Brainology,” and Malcolm X’s work) relate to your educational experience (Not just in English). Has your previous education included any, some, or much of the concept discussed in the readings? (Please refer to at least three of the ideas presented in the readings; this means feel free to quote and or paraphrase some of those ideas). If you HAVE had these experiences, please describe one example and how it felt. If you have NOT experienced these ideas in the past, please think of a specific example when this was true and describe how that felt.


  • Include some discussion of your past experiences with academic reading and writing. If you like doing these things, why do you? If you don’t, why not? Do you feel confident in these areas? Do you feel a desire for mastery? Do you feel a sense of purpose about developing these skills? Explain. ALSO, do the same for mathematics.


  • Please close by bringing me up to the present – what do you want to get out of this particular class? What do you want to get gain from going to college? How will your learning style help you achieve these goals? How might you expand your learning styles? Is there anything you would like me to know so that I can support your learning? Anything you’re concerned about? Anything you feel excited about?






  • The OWL at Purdue is an excellent resource for any questions about writing. http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/557/01/
  • When telling a story, be specific. Write about a book, not books. Tell about a teacher, not teachers. Describe specific images, moments.
  • I will provide you with a rubric showing how the paper is scored.






Freire, Paulo. Excerpt from Chapter 2 of Pedagogy of the Oppressed, available as an attachment on Blackboard in the Essay Assignments folder.


Harris, Sydney J. “What True Education Should Do” available here: http://www.emu.edu/academic-support/writing/faculty/helpful-docs/Harris.pdf


Anyon, Jean “Social Class and the Hidden Curriculum of Work” available here:



Dweck, Carol. “Brainology.” available here: https://www.stns.org/downloads/NAISBrainology.CarolDweck.pdf


Malcolm X. “Learning to Read” available here: http://www.smccd.net/accounts/bellr/readerlearningtoread.htm