HW1 SampleTests

HW代写 {- Example of using the HUnit unit test framework. See

http://hackage.haskell.org/package/HUnit for additional documentation.

{- Example of using the HUnit unit test framework. See

http://hackage.haskell.org/package/HUnit for additional documentation.

To run the tests type “run” at the Haskell prompt. -}

module HW1SampleTests


import Test.HUnit

import Data.Char

import Data.List (sort)

import HW1

— Helper functions HW代写 

— Function to sort second elements in each tuple

sortSnds xs = map (\(x,y) -> (x,sort y)) xs

p1_test1 = TestCase (assertEqual “everyOther-test1”


(everyOther “AaBbCcDdEeFfGgH”) )

p1_test2 = TestCase (assertEqual “everyOther-test2”


(everyOther [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]) )

p1_test3 = TestCase (assertEqual “everyOther-test3”




“hai”,”ie”,”meiyou”,”nai”,”ochi” ]) )

p1_test4 = TestCase (assertEqual “everyOther-test4”


(everyOther [‘A’]) )

p2a_test1 = TestCase (assertEqual “eliminateDuplicates-test1”

(sort [1,2,3,4,5,6,7])

(sort $ eliminateDuplicates

[6,5,1,6,4,2,2,3,7,2,1,1,2,3,4,5,6,7]) )

p2a_test2 = TestCase (assertEqual “eliminateDuplicates-test2”

(sort “-CptS 321”)

(sort $ eliminateDuplicates “CptS322 – CptS322 – CptS

321”) )

p2a_test3 = TestCase (assertEqual “eliminateDuplicates-test3”

(sort [[1,2],[3],[1],[]])

(sort $ eliminateDuplicates [[1,2],[1],[],[3],[1],[]])


p2a_test4 = TestCase (assertEqual “eliminateDuplicates-test4”

(sort [“Let”,”snow”,”rain”,”let”,”it”,”hail”])

(sort $ eliminateDuplicates [“Let”,”it”,”snow”,

“let”,”it”, “rain”, “let”, “it”,”hail”]) )

p2b_test1 = TestCase (assertEqual “matchingSeconds-test1”

(sort [5,3])

(sort $ matchingSeconds “cat” [(“cat”,5),(“dog”,9),

(“parrot”,3),(“cat”,3),(“fish”,1)]) )

p2b_test2 = TestCase (assertEqual “matchingSeconds-test2”


(matchingSeconds “hamster” [(“cat”,5),(“dog”,9),

(“parrot”,3),(“cat”,3),(“fish”,1)]) )

p2b_test3 = TestCase (assertEqual “matchingSeconds-test3” HW代写

(sort [355,302,322])

(sort $ matchingSeconds “CptS” [(“EE”,214),

(“CptS”,355),(“CptS”,302), (“CptS”,322)]) )

p2c_test1 = TestCase (assertEqual “clusterCommon-test1”

(sort $ sortSnds [(“parrot”,[3]),(“dog”,[10,5,7]),


(sort $ sortSnds $ clusterCommon [(“cat”,5),

(“dog”,10),(“parrot”,3),(“dog”,5),(“dog”,7),(“cat”,3), (“fish”,1)]) ) p2c_test2 = TestCase (assertEqual “clusterCommon-test2”

(sort $ sortSnds [(2,[20]),(1,[10,1]),(4,[400,40]),(3,



(sort $ sortSnds $ clusterCommon [(1,10),(4,400),

(3,3),(2,20),(3,30),(1,1),(4,40),(3,300)]) )

p2c_test3 = TestCase (assertEqual “clusterCommon-test3”


(clusterCommon []) )

cdcData =[ (“King” , [(“Mar”,2706),(“Apr”,3620),(“May”,1860),(“Jun”,2157),(“July”,5014),


(“Pierce”, [(“Mar”,460),(“Apr”,965),(“May”,522),(“Jun”,2260),(“July”,2470),




(“Spokane”, [(“Mar”,147),(“Apr”,4000),(“May”,233),(“Jun”,794),(“July”,2412),


(“Whitman” , [(“Apr”,7),(“May”,5),(“Jun”,19),(“July”,51),(“Aug”,514),

(“Sep”,732), (“Oct”,278)])


p3_test1 = TestCase (assertEqual “(maxNumCases-test1)”

2260 (maxNumCases cdcData HW代写

“Jun”) )

p3_test2 = TestCase (assertEqual “(maxNumCases-test2)”

4000 (maxNumCases cdcData

“Apr”) )

p3_test3 = TestCase (assertEqual “(maxNumCases-test3)”

0 (maxNumCases cdcData

“Jan”) )

p4_test1 = TestCase (assertEqual “(groupIntoLists-test1)”

[[1],[2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9,10],[11,12]] (groupIntoLists

[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12]) ) HW代写 

p4_test2 = TestCase (assertEqual “(groupIntoLists-test2)”


(groupIntoLists “abcdefghijklmnopqrstuwxyz012”) )

p4_test3 = TestCase (assertEqual “(groupIntoLists-test3)”

[] (groupIntoLists “”) )

p5_test1 = TestCase (assertEqual “(getSlice-test1)”


(getSlice (‘(‘,’)’) “I got the (Covid-19) vaccine!” ) )

p5_test2 = TestCase (assertEqual “(getSlice-test2)”


(getSlice (‘(‘,’)’) “I hope this year (2021) will be

better than last year (2020).” ) )

p5_test3 = TestCase (assertEqual “(getSlice-test3)”


(getSlice (‘*’,’*’) “Start the assignment *early*!” ) )

p5_test4 = TestCase (assertEqual “(getSlice-test4)”


(getSlice (0,9) [1,2,3,4,0,5,6,7,8,9,10,11] ) )

p5_test5 = TestCase (assertEqual “(getSlice-test5)”


(getSlice (0,9) [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11] ) )

p5_test6 = TestCase (assertEqual “(getSlice-test6)”


(getSlice (0,9) [1,2,3,4,0,5,6,7,8,10,11] ) )

tests = TestList [ TestLabel “Problem 1- test1 ” p1_test1, HW代写

TestLabel “Problem 1- test2 ” p1_test2,

TestLabel “Problem 1- test3 ” p1_test3,

TestLabel “Problem 1- test4 ” p1_test4,

TestLabel “Problem 2a- test1 ” p2a_test1,

TestLabel “Problem 2a- test2 ” p2a_test2,

TestLabel “Problem 2a- test3 ” p2a_test3, TestLabel “Problem 2a- test4 ” p2a_test4,

TestLabel “Problem 2b- test1 ” p2b_test1,

TestLabel “Problem 2b- test2 ” p2b_test2,

TestLabel “Problem 2b- test3 ” p2b_test3,

TestLabel “Problem 2c- test1 ” p2c_test1,

TestLabel “Problem 2c- test2 ” p2c_test2,

TestLabel “Problem 2c- test3 ” p2c_test3,

TestLabel “Problem 3- test1 ” p3_test1,

TestLabel “Problem 3- test2 ” p3_test2,

TestLabel “Problem 3- test3 ” p3_test3,

TestLabel “Problem 4- test1 ” p4_test1,

TestLabel “Problem 4- test2 ” p4_test2,

TestLabel “Problem 4- test3 ” p4_test3,

TestLabel “Problem 5- test1 ” p5_test1,

TestLabel “Problem 5- test2 ” p5_test2,

TestLabel “Problem 5- test3 ” p5_test3,

TestLabel “Problem 5- test4 ” p5_test4,

TestLabel “Problem 5- test5 ” p5_test5,

TestLabel “Problem 5- test6 ” p5_test6


— shortcut to run the tests

run = runTestTT tests