1MA3 Additional Sample Short Answer Question:

市场营销期中代考 Question: Ms. Johnson is a founder of a new start-up company that produces and sells medical hygiene products to hospitals and medical…

Question: Ms. Johnson is a founder of a new start-up company that produces and sells medical hygiene products to hospitals and medical centers in Hamilton. She believes that understanding the marketplace – and especially consumer needs and wants – is fundamental to marketing success.

(a) Define marketing.

(b) Explain the differences between a customer’s need and want and give an example.

(c) What do you call the controllable set of activities that Ms. Johnson uses to respond to the wants of the medical community in Hamilton? Name these 4 activities.

(d) List 4 core aspects of marketing. (Hint: no explanation needed).


Answer: 市场营销期中代考

(a) Marketing: Marketing is a set of business practices designed to plan for and present an organization’s products or services in ways that build effective customer relationships.

(b) A need: a basic necessity (food, clothing, safety) A want: the particular way in which a person chooses to satisfy a need, which is shaped by a person’s knowledge, culture and personality.

Example: when we are thirsty, we need something to drink (a need). Some people want to drink fresh juice, while others want soft drink instead.

(c) The marketing mix or the 4 P’s which are product, price, place, and promotion.

(d) Any 4 of the following are acceptable: 市场营销期中代考

  1. Marketing helps create value.
  2. Marketing entails an exchange.
  3. Marketing requires product mix decisions.
  4. Marketing is about satisfying customer needs and wants.
  5. Marketing occurs in many settings.
  6. Marketing can be performed by both individuals and organizations.