Implanting a “false memory” into the subject: a psychological investigation Introduction False memory has been studies by psychologists since the 1970s. The rationale for this is that one can create or recreate a memory on the subject and that this becomes more effective when one ages for a number of interferences (proactive and retroactive) (Loftus and Pickrell, 1995: 720) may have happened in one’s memories. The researcher employed the common “false memory” research method of “getting lost [in the mall]”. The design is basically an approximation of the previous design employed by Elizabeth Loftus (1994. 1995, 1997). Participants to the study The target participant for this research is basically composed of adults aged 18-40 years old. The participants came from varying walks of life that are randomly selected and recruited by the researcher within the community. There are university-level students, clerks, and professionals among others. There are a total of twenty (20) adults, six males and fourteen females, participated in this study. Methodology In this study, the researcher mailed the randomly selected participants with a booklet four-page booklet containing the cover letter for the study and the instructions for completing all the phases of the study. The cover letter also included the schedules for the individual interviews.