Topic: Strategic Career Plan

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Word limit:  1,750 words

In this assignment you are asked to develop a strategic career plan.  There are three parts to this assignment.
1. Career goals and Learning – reflection.
Detailed analysis and reflection on your career goal/s. You should consider the material we have covered in the unit on the influences an individual’s career decisions

and apply it to yourself.
You need to write about how and why you have identified a particular career goal (short, medium or long term) for yourself. (You might use the same approach to this

part of the assignment as you did to the case study, but you are the case). There are many factors you might include such as: labour market perspectives, career

influences: trait factor (nature) considerations vs developmental (nuture) considerations; your work values, career satisfaction, testing and so on.  This part of the

assignment might be a very personal account as to why you have selected a particular goal but should reflect your learning over this semester.
For all students, as part of demonstrating reflection and self-awareness you also need to identify your strengths and areas for improvement in relation to this goal,

which will be the basis for the action plan in part 3.
2. Industry (opportunity) analysis
For this section (the main part of the assignment) you need to conduct and report on research on the career goal/opportunity identified in section one.  You need to

demonstrate an understanding of the predicted future opportunities in this area, an analysis of the risks and challenges you may face, analysis of the labour market as

well as a clear understanding of what is involved in a career in this area (eg. expectations, requirements, typical progression).
You will also demonstrate your awareness of opportunities in your area by conducting and documenting research on networks, associations, organisations, specific

employers, graduate programs, further education and/or training and other pathways in this career or field.
You may consider including information interviewing as a research strategy for this section, but also use library and online research methods (references expected).
3. Strategic Action plan
Based on part 1 and 2, develop an action plan identifying specific actions to be taken, short mid and/or long term to achieve your goals.  Your action should address

any areas for improvement identified in section 1, and can build on any resources or recognition of specific pathways as identified in part 2.
Your action plan should identify actions that are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and measurable.  Your action plan can detail the rationale for an action,

how it would be measured or evaluated, timelines, and any resources you would draw on or need to complete the goal.