Two Wrongs Make a Right” fallacy


Paper instructions:
Create examples of everyday arguments that you encounter in your reading , in the newspaper, in magazines, on television, or just in talking with or listening to people.
They can be “good” or “bad” inductive or deductive arguments, or they can represent some of the fallacies that we are studying.
You must have at least six entries.
you must include a detailed explantion of :
1) what the argument is, 2)if it is a good or bad argument. 3)if its bad,why
“Raymond, why do you throw all your money away on dumb entertainment? You should be saving up so you can buy a more dependable car.”

Son:”Why should I save up my money.You’ ve never saved adime in your life!”

Explanation: Well, it may be entirley true that I’ve never saved a dime in my lfe, but that doesn’t have anythong to do with wether or not my son should be saving money. This is an example of the “Two Wrongs Make a Right” fallacy(the specifit name is Tu Quoque, which in Latin means”You,too”) The”fallacy” behind this argument that makes it bas is this :”You’ve done a wrong thing by not saving money, so that proves that it;s okay for me also to dp a wrong thing by not saving money, so that prove that it’s okay for me also to do a wrong thing by not saving money.”
Please create those 6 entries and explain it.
(1) Tu Quoque(“Two Wrong Make a Right”[You,too”])-
(2)Hesty Generalization-When a general conclusion is based on too little specific evidence: example: “I’ve seen two Caldillacs in my life and they were both black.I guess all Cadillacs are black.”
(3) Unrepresentative Sample(“Skewed Sample”)
-When a conclusion is drawn about a whole population or class of thnig from evidence that may not be representative of the whole population or class.
(4)Faulty Use of Authority-
When authorities in one field are cited as authorities in another.
example:”If Courtney Love uses Excedrin, it must be pretty good medicine.”
(5)Argumentum Ad Miseracordium(“Appeal to Pity”)-
When the “logic” for doing or not doing something is based not on logic at all but on the emotion of pity.
Example:”We should promote Smith over Jones because Smith really need the hike in pay”
(6)Argumentum Ad Hominem(“Arguing Against the Man”)
-When the man himself is attacked and not his argumen
EX:”Dont’t listen to Tom’s adcice on investing. He’s nothing but a no-account lush”